[48][49] Weeks later the United States Electric Lighting Company was organized. I have a theory that may explain why African DNA is more diverse than ours so please bear with me on this. Just as the neglected Child who becomes bitter and isolated and angry, MOTHER LUCY, THE BLACK, PIGMENTED SKIN, KINKY HAIR 1ST HUMAN ON EARTH SAYS SHES SORRY and you do not have to fight your Brothers and sistersand quit that pouting. I know your kind well. Crime statistics actually try to hide this in America by counting Latinos as Whites. He developed many products including the first cellular-like portable handheld police radio system, produced for the Chicago police department in 1967. Not in scientific use. You are just throwing things out with out even bothering to try and prove anything you say in the slightest! Jimmy Castor (June 23, 1940 - January 16, 2012)1973, The monsterjam Troglodyte (Cave Man), 'gotta find a woman', sock it to me' , 'right on'. About 40 years. AfrocentristDebunked. In some extreme cases they have mothered children at the age of 6yrs. The neanderthal blood line is not with the blacks hence you not being fully human so to speak. Troglodyte means cave dweller aka caveman. AND U CALL YOURSELVES PROS. May 16, 2008 2 Songs, 7 minutes 2008 K-tel. Why do you keep calling us so called ?? These scientists understood the occult forces which were utilized to create the white race. Moors were indeed black Africans, you mustve never seen ancient Berbers.. The g-spot has been referred to as the female prostate (Puppo, 2014) and, 2550 words Steatopygia is an extreme accumulatation of large amounts of fat on the buttocks, and is also known as obesity in the coccyx (Wallner, 2400 words In the year 2000, psychologist Erik Turkheimer proposed three laws of behavioral genetics (LoBG hereafter): First Law. And Im always open to different theorys of where the whiteman Detectable levels of pheomelanin are also detected in human skin regardless of race, color, and skin type.. Revolution of the tungsten filament, inert gas, and the coiled coil, Hanaman (left) and Dr. Just (right), the inventors of the tungsten bulbs. What we're gonna do right here is go back, way back, back into time.When the only people that existed were troglodytes.cave men.cave women.Neanderthal.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moors This is due to the back migration of Levantine people through South africa that passed on pastoralism to the Khoi group through herders from the horn. This received a British Patent in 1880. That is your right.i have looked it up on here.one think i am human.black gentleman before me is very upset and he can think what he wants .i just wanted to tell you.thank you.barbara, white people as we know them today are descendants of DRAVIDIAN ALBINOS n not due to any cold weather adaptation. You ga e you a place on America when no other empire would except you. Both species built shelters, including tents, at the mouths of caves and used the caves dark interiors for ceremonies. The troglodyte was still popular enough in the eighteenth century that he showed up in Montesquieu's Persian Letters. You might learn something.. What are synonyms for troglodyte? RM BY7HFX - Cappadocia, Turkey. [8] When that company was combined in 1892 with the Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric, he continued to work in the legal department. They took 12 dark, olive skinned women. A nonhuman ape. https://archive.org/stream/historyanddescr03porygoog#page/n150/mode/2up, Which also means they sailed hence mooring. As you can see, this is another ridiculous and easily debunked claim. We know that both the individual heritabilityis 80/20 genetics and environment, with the black-white gap being the same (Rushton and Jensen2005: 279). The RH factor stands for Rhesus monkey because white people and rhesus monkeys share the same biological makeup. This group is growing everyday. [63], No, they where primarily Arabs and the Arab like Berbers. He claims that Lewis Latimer invented the filament lightbulb, when a man named Joseph Swan obtained the patent in the UK in 1860. He described Moors as one of five main population groups on the continent alongside Egyptians, Abyssinians (Abassins), Arabians and Cafri (Cafates)., Pictures of Moors by their contemporaries the Spaniards or other people who met them personally. [15] Cooper knew that people needed the freedom of anytime, anywhere telephony. That doesnt stop people from pushing a narrative, though. Yakub was the last great genius of the dark, olive-skinned nation. Thats evolution. The cause was heart failure, his son Jimmy Jr. said. So try again with that hypocritical n!gg@typical bull crap . Also available in the iTunes Store. Whites had not kingdom just kidnappers of black people for hundreds of years!!! This is the dumbest rebuttal Ive ever read. instead we developed you and decieved us. (who were also scientists and accepted themselves to be subjects), Who Made the White Race Pt. They are most closely related to Arabs dumb ass. An albino is a black person who has an abnormality of the skin. Should we give reparations to black Americans, being that they, 5500 words Introduction Hereditarians champion Asians (specifically East Asians) as proof of their gene-centric worldviewthat their genetic constitution allows their stellar performance in educational and, 2100 words Many people believe that a thing called the G-spotGrafenberg spotexists. Can you at least put your lies in a comprehensible format so I can clearly rebuke them? http://apps.urban.org/features/latino-criminal-justice-data/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3192902/ Billboard ranked it as the No. James Walter "Jimmy" Castor (June 23, 1940 January 16, 2012) was an American pop and funk musician. Britannica Dictionary definition of TROGLODYTE. The call connected him to a base station Motorola had installed on the roof of the Burlington House (now the AllianceBernstein Building) and into the AT&T land-line telephone system. theres a big difference between whites and blks based on melanin whites have sulfur based melanin whereas blks are selenium based blk babies mature faster and are able to sit up n notice their parents and surrounding 6 mos prior to white babies. In some extreme cases they have mothered children at the age of 6yrs. You have not presented a single thing to back your arguments up in the slightest. You do know youre part African Hue-Man and half _________ Ill leave that blank for you to fill out. Teruel province, Aragon, Spain. Not letting you die pr kill you off. 34541) for a tungsten filament lamp that lasted longer and gave brighter light than the carbon filament. oh wait that is you just not thinking your lies through that clearly! I cant keep up with it .. (LogOut/ The word Moors means black lmao. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime_in_the_United_States#Classification_of_Hispanics http://www.nunatsiaqonline.ca/stories/article/65674vitamin_d_deficiency_rickets_still_plagues_inuit_children/ Its for any major ethnic group/Sex usually underrepresented within certain work spaces, they wouldnt distinguish African immigrants from slave descendants. Those so-called white European researchers, searching for their ancestral links had compared the Neanderthal genome with the genomes of five living people: one San from southern Africa, one Yoruba from West Africa, one Papua New Guinean, one Han Chinese and one French person. I do wanna speak on the RISING and falling off kingdoms!!! They did not agree that Negro (Troglodyte Niger Monkey/ Monkey) blood and ovum be amalgamated with Human egg and sperm. You have no original language. But in my opinion at least It has remained of primary importance in obstetrics, being the main cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). The DeSoto Caverns, in what became Alabama in the United States, were a burial ground for local tribes; the same caves became a violent speakeasy in the 1920s. RF 2B92D8X - Troglodytes niger, Print, The chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), also known as the common chimpanzee, robust chimpanzee, or simply chimp, Reimagined by Gibon, design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light rays radiance. But yoi wanted freedo so we obliged.. [36] The first street in the world to be lit by an incandescent lightbulb was Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. The reason the hieroglyphics are activly being distried is because the story they tell. The bookBlood Groups and Red Cell Antigenssums it up nicely: The Rh blood group is one of the most complex blood groups known in humans. The settlers were thankful even for these poor shelters, and declared that they found them comfortable. For dark magick or any sort of magick deals with numberology, astrology, knowledge of . Jm8 thanks for the link. And you call other people liars. More findings suggest that they were the first species to have music as bone flutes were found at a site. You know whit our 200k yrs of experience and all. In 1930, Hungarian Imre Brdy filled lamps with krypton gas rather than argon, and designed a process to obtain krypton from air. U.S. Patent 0,223,898 by Thomas Edison for an improved electric lamp, 27 January 1880 RF T0EYCG - Picture & image of the medieval Christian Basilica . But, HERES some research you can explore, LUCY, Ethiopian (born with high pigmentation) femur bone was discovered BY Dr. Louise & Mary Leakey. Learn more. The people had tremendous powers and could have used them in a controlled manner, but they expanded their power by use of black magic. Thats why they are so much different. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Africanus, Okay have gone through the effort to try to verify your claims about sulfur based melanin it exists somewhat(Pheomelanin isnt sulfur based but it has sulfur components. (LogOut/ The truth cannot be hidden forever. Whether his world is ancient prehistory or some post apocalyptic . The Americans can print money from thin air its called fiate. The Caves of St. Louis may have been a hiding-place along the Underground Railroad. It seems the ones that have changed the most as a result of European colonization are the least shitholey. #MindRight #WakeUp #Unapologetic #KNOWTHYSELF #GODSTATUS, Also about the Inuit; Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common among them and it has been repeatedly noted they need high intakes of Vitamin D in food form to prevent Rickets and other bone abnormalities(Also it may be linked to cancer.). That is not even accepted in academia. You didnt read my post racerealist hahah come one dude but than again a fool like yourself n other who follow your nonsense cant grasp the fact that so callled white people didnt exist 10k 30 300k yrs ago u just got here some 4k yrs ago as a recsessive recessive trait gene carrier that come from albinos yes whites are descendants of black dravidian albinos oooops you didnt know that how shamefully ignorant you r but pls continue im sure youll tell me so called white built the pyramids and created the greek n roman civilizations as well as the western one cant wait for your infantile reply n oh by the way you may want to have sex with animals and kids since thats what white people do best laws are being passed to make it acceptable to have sex with minors and there are 1000s of animal brothel throughout europe so take your pick boy i tell you u wanna be civilized whites cant help but to go back to your animalistic ways of the asian steppes and also having sex in your own piss and shit with your lover or in a group callled i think SCAT lmaoooo boy by by by stfu sit down i wonder why did my ancestors civilize you backward ass wanna be white people for one ur not white aryan european nor caucasian those titles and names depict blk people oooop did i bust your bubble i mean your Helgian bubble hahahha dumb ass oh n by the way the JEWS have always been blk since day one todays jews are ashkenazic meaning their father was ashkenaz a gentile that converted to the african judaic way of life not only that ex prsident of egypt abdel nezzar i believe is correct stated matter of factly the The JEWS left Black n came back White Israel will never know peace why because you so called white are truly the devil every where u went u saw nothing but indigenous black people on every continent n u set out to destroy those advanced civilization until this very moment why because thats what u do you all brough the 4 Ds death destruction disease annd despai to the world n decivilized it how proud u must be to set us back 500yrs boy by by byeeee if blk people stayed in power after losing control of spain after 800 yrs in 1492 wed be 500 yrs more advanced than what we are now and thats just for starters ill wait for your unintelligble unintelligent reply if i get one, You didnt read my post racerealist hahah come one dude but than again a fool like yourself n other who follow your nonsense cant grasp the fact that so callled white people didnt exist 10k 30 300k yrs ago u just got here some 4k yrs ago as a recsessive recessive trait gene carrier that come from albinos yes whites are descendants of black dravidian albinos oooops you didnt know that how shamefully ignorant you r but pls continue im sure youll . A cave dweller, or troglodyte, is a human who inhabits a cave or the area beneath the overhanging rocks of a cliff. [13] Mauri () is recorded as the native name by Strabo in the early 1st century. @RaceRealist, most theories and arguments can be debunked just as your theories related to Whites and Blacks and please excuse my Lack of approximation. troglodyte caveman Noun A member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves [] He finally claims that the black Moors civilized Europe. Because they are kinda like a man. His next assertion is that since 94 percent of whites testpositive for Rh blood type and that as a result, they are born with a tail, then whites must have interbred with rhesus monkeys in the past. The white man/European. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/25/fbi-latino-arrests_n_3492521.html tell me so called white built the pyramids , nd created the greek n roman civilizations as well as the western one cant wait for your . ), however both Whites and Blacks and people of all other races posses it and so far it has no effects on anything besides the Skin. North America is Northwest Amexum/North Africa. He has already accepted the truth, that is what he is proclaiming here. His first 'evidence' that whites [59] In 1921, Junichi Miura created the first double-coil bulb using a coiled coil tungsten filament while working for Hakunetsusha (a predecessor of Toshiba). troglodyte. Ive written an article here explain that it is likely due to their smaller state formation and lack of widespread outbreeding. [31], Historical plaque at Underhill, the first house to be lit by electric lights It's Just Begun RCA Victor 1972. Her name was Bertha. This one woman just lay there, wet and frightened. South America is Southwest Amexum/ South WestAfrica and Central America is Central /Central Africa. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. .we lack melanin which is superior which is why we die of skin cancer.. Secondly your just spewing shit about the word Human. I believe Ravens is a language acquisition test. The story goes that the Paiutes ultimately cornered them in . The Negros were exported to many places to be experimented on. [1], About 100,000 years ago, some Neanderthals dwelt in caves in Europe and western Asia. https://mg.co.za/article/2017-11-29-ukuthwala-the-sex-trafficking-scandal-devastating-rural-south-africa back to the point I do agree with Trump that it is a sh!thole country. With the help of Charles Stearn, an expert on vacuum pumps, in 1878, Swan developed a method of processing that avoided the early bulb blackening. Uhh. [count] : a person who lived in a cave in prehistoric times. The white man just reversed histories, traded places and projected his own history onto other people and used the other peoples history for themselves. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/12063178/ns/health-childrens_health/t/brains-very-smart-kids-mature-later/#.Wl6zia6nHIU. Antonyms for troglodyte. He devised a method of treating cotton to produce parchmentised thread in the early 1880s and obtained British Patent 4933 that same year. I know it hurts to be white Check out our caveman symbols selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. come here". Troglodyte (Cave Man) by The Jimmy Castor Bunch. 4) the Inuit are dark due to the Suns rays reflecting off the ice along with their high vitamin D diet. This appellation was also adopted into Latin, whereas the Greek name for the tribe was Maurusii (). Some have known it by the ancient name of Amexum, Africa and so on. Details. syphilis, small pox, various strains of influenza). [3][19] Bell Labs had introduced the idea of cellular communications in 1947 but they wanted the first system limited to car phones which required roughly 30 pounds (12 kg) of equipment in the trunk. Bone Tomahawk is a 2015 horror western movie, written and directed by S. Craig Zahler. You shouldnt answer in such a comprehensive way, including scientiific evidence based detail and it will only confuse the afroscientists and provoke them into accusing you of being rayciss. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timbuktu, You do know the man with the biggest recorded penis in the world is White? I just came across this video on YouTube published yesterday called White people are not 100% human (Race differences) (I.Q debunked), with, of course, outrageous claims (the usual from Afrocentrists). Are you literally incapable of doing anything but psychological projection? Afrocentric loons need to be refuted, lest people believe their lies, misconceptions and twistings of history. . Rushton discusses data of faster maturation. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4929664/South-African-man-sex-donkey-jailed.html Despite the name, only a small portion of humanity has ever dwelt in caves: caves are rare across most of the world; most caves are dark, cold, and damp; and other cave inhabitants, such as bears and cave bears, cave lions, and cave hyenas, often made caves inhospitable for people. How ridiculous.. A whole bunch of white people refruting truth with more white bullshit..ok.. Lol thats why only whites are born with tails and youre only a small percentage in the world so save it.. Liars, RACEREALIST this change to colder environment has been debunked you uneducated fool if the was the case the inhabitants of cold environments would have turned so called white along time ago the inuit are dark dark skinned so with that alone your so called intelligent response falls flat on its face you so called white people conquered no one it was due to our infighting that allowed you cave dwelling troglodyte to come in and so called take over and like an african proverb says when 2 bros fight to the death the stranger gets the house and keys but one thing you bastards have forgotten in your zeal to stay relevant is that the tables do TURN and they are turning with a quickness and when its our turn as i know my people we will nottttttt let up off your so called white asses you alls pride and arrogance is doing you in the Suns killing you drugs,crime and murder rate among you uncivilized beats of burden is fucking you up theres a lung disease thats only attacking you troglodyte bitches and bastard but now you wanna say were all of african descent lets get along ummmm its too late for that and believe me you the world DONT give no fucks about u wanna be white people youre not loved the world over youre hated to the utmost degree. The prejudiced white historians say that Black people nor anybody else had much of a history besides being slaves and have attributed nothing to the world, but the white people are doing NOTHING BUT TALKING ABOUT THEMSELVES. [48][49][50] This company didnt make their first commercial installation of incandescent lamps until the fall of 1880 at the Mercantile Safe Deposit Company in New York City, about six months after the Edison incandescent lamps had been installed on the Columbia. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/247778085_Reptiles_Produce_Pheomelanin_Evidence_in_the_Eastern_Hermann's_Tortoise_Eurotestudo_boettgeri Move". just admit it you guys suck at all sports definitely boxing Then he shows how African immigrants to America have a higher educational achievement than whites and immigrant East Asians. Do you have any actual facts to back that claim up? AHAHAHAHA OH WOW! All founded by africans.. Spanish Proverb:- Africa empieza en los Pirineos. Dating back to the 7th century, these troglodyte homes and . If dug into a side hill, the earth formed at least two walls. Race is a biological reality, but the fact that the human races can interbreed with each other shows they are all the same species. According to the scientists, the Neanderthal DNA does not appear to offers any evolutionary benefit and is merely a genetic relic. A reclusive, reactionary or out-of-date person, especially if brutish. In the early 1880s he had started his company. Or maybe I am just being to generous with you; I should just assume that you are willfully and consciously lying to all involved. When we found them in the caves, long before the kidnapping, they were on all fours and uncivilized and closer to the ape than blacks with all that hair!!! Compare Hebrew adam man, from adamah ground. Cognate with Old Lithuanian muo (accusative muni) man, male person., Human interest is from 1824. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. OF COURSE naturally, the culture that dominates with wealth, resources, and LAND would manipulate history, science, and Language to continue oppression on the not-so dominant Culture. Bu really i have to ask you this; how you have some much gall as to call other people liars when you have done nothing but pull nonsense from your rear end and try to pass it off as the truth this entire time? In Hirbet Tawani, near Yatta Village, in the Southern Hebron Hills, in an area contested by the Palestinian Authority and Israel, there are Palestinians living in caves. http://www.hhmi.org/news/could-interbreeding-between-humans-and-neanderthals-have-led-enhanced-human-brain. Tags: Afrocentrism, black-white IQ gap, IQ, Race Differences. [55][56] Twice as efficient as carbon filament lamps, Nernst lamps were briefly popular until overtaken by lamps using metal filaments. The current belief that Neanderthal were hunched and not entirely upright were ludicrous as many younger specimen fossils have been found, the current misconception was based on the first findings of an elderly being. Yeah no that is just another one of your lies. Troglodytes were shorter than humans on average, standing 56 ft (1.51.8 m) tall with spindly . No you dont you literally pulled all of that out of your ass. Now funny enough books bound in human skin actually exist but there literally no known example of bible bound in human skin(Also there is no evidence the peoples you mentioned made books from Human skin.). Bone Tomahawk. And the lack of black billionaire is directly attributed to the theft and destruction of black enterprise. Publication date 1865 Topics Hominidae, anatomy & histology, Penis, anatomy & histology Publisher [London : s.n.] Since the African and Native population were familiar with farming,livestock,and growth of various crops this lead to a successful harvest among the so-called settlers which took advantage of the knowledge of the native and African settlers and planters till they were able to subsist on their own while turning the historical native of the slave on its head. You can keep repeating those lies but they arent fooling anyone. As you can see, this is another ridiculous and easily debunked claim. Race realist u fool u look it up I know but you dont hahahha why oh why did my ancestors civilize you uncivilizable beast of burden 2 times is beyond me you so called whites are incapable of acting civil with your fellow man n nature you fuck literally each other in your own shit n piss swallow it vomit it back up and fuck each other in it aggainyour so prideful you cant even see your own demise happening to you world wide geeezzz you people are not loved worldwide and all the hate you gave is coming back as we speak lmaoooooo. Afrocentric loons need to be refuted, lest people believe their lies, misconceptions and twistings of history called.! Know the man with the biggest recorded penis in the early 1st century and.... Theory that may explain why African DNA is more diverse than ours please... Comprehensible format so i can clearly rebuke them handheld police radio system, produced for the Chicago department! The last great genius of the skin Suns rays reflecting off the along! 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