This doesn't seem to be the case for several reasons. Notably when Champa and Vados referred to him as a Namekian, Piccolo stated he was not a Namekian - rather he was the reincarnation of Demon King Piccolo. Instead it's like a fusion. While Piccolo Jr. is able to take on Frost in Dragon Ball Super, that isn't exactly the same. The Grand Elder just felt that, given how weak Saiyans are supposed to be normally, that only a Super Saiyan should have the capacity to be able to defeat the child of Katatz pre-split. Moori, appointed Nameks Grand Elder after Gurus demise. We don't know how their fusion works, and we certainly don't know how strong they were before seperating. Guru said that only a Super Saiyan would have a chance at beating the Nameless Namekian, strongest Saiyan at the time was Vegeta (250,000), 250,000 x 50 = 12,500,000. Modified by Hujio. For example, we see Future Trunks, training as a Super Saiyan against base form Future Gohan and is struggling against him. In the story of his origin told toMr. Popo,Kamiconfesses that he has no memory of how he (as he is the embodiment of the nameless Namek's essence of good) came upon Yunzabit Heights (he is not even aware of being an extraterrestrial untilPiccolois made aware of this by theSaiyansVegetaandNappa), because of an accident early in his life which rendered him amnesiac. Piano, another son of King Piccolo. This is piccolo fused with nail against the original being that split into kami and piccolo. His name was revealed in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 to be Katas in a quiz, which is the same name as his father. . To survive, his father launched him into outer space ina spaceshipwhich requires at least a basic knowledge of the ancientNamekian languageto pilot. However, to communicate with Porunga, one must be able to speak the Namekian language. Check your inbox for your latest news from us. by Hitiro Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:24 am, Post 15. However, the Nameless Namek did display increased intelligence, particularly on the battlefield, by thinking up strategies on the spot. It is later stated by Krillin in the Imperfect Cell Saga that after fusing with Kami, Piccolo's potential was even greater than an unmastered Super Saiyan. Namek, the name of the home world of the Namekians, comes from the Japanese word namekuji, which means slug. Context: Piccolo talking about wanting to fight Freeza, Piccolo: My power has vastly increased here! The Dragon Ball series is one of Japans biggest anime exports. The Nameless Namekian continues to appear as Piccolo throughout Dragon Ball GT. Template:Quote The Nameless Namekian is a nameless Namekian, son of Katas. There's one more bit of evidence to that actually. Piccolo Jr. is the son of the demon Namekian, King Piccolo, though we simple know him as Piccolo. Unlike Piccolo they fused with countless Namekians in quick succession, this grants them greater power though it also takes more time for their Super Namekian power to stabilize, though once it did Saonel and Pilina proved to be a match for Ultimate Gohan and even improved their regeneration to the point that it allowed Saonel to survive and near instantly fully heal from being caught an energy clash between Ultimate Gohan and Pilina, though they where both still susceptible to Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon which injured them to the point that Ultimate Gohan was able to knock them off the stage with a Kamehameha, though they where not killed by either attack. Also , the dstrongest saiyan was vegeta at that point (18,000). Given their power a Namekian Ultra Fusion could also be classified as a pure Super Namekian (if all fusee are Namekian) or Super Namekian hybrid (when a Namekian initiates the fusion with different races). In addition, the cover for the manga chapter "The Risky Decision" depicts Piccolo and Gohan training with a Super Saiyan Goku, and after the three years, Krillin is in awe after witnessing his growth in power against Dr. Gero (a fight in which Piccolo dominates against him, despite the android draining him of his power earlier), remarking that "He's so strong and he's not even a Super Saiyan!". So, probably guru means that he had a lot of potential & fighting skill, and will grow up to become strong. Super Namekian Piccolo arrives to fight Frieza, Super Namekian Piccolo fights Second Form Frieza, Super Namekian Piccolo after ripping of Android 20's arm, Super Namekian Piccolo powers up to fight Cell, Super Namekian Piccolo firing energy at Cell, Super Namekian Piccolo's aura against Android 17, Super Namekian Piccolo fends of Imperfect Cell, Super Namekian Piccolo with his full potential (after fusing with King Piccolo), Battle as a Namekian Piccolo (Assimilated) card featuring Super Namek Piccolo after assimilating Nail in, Kami and Demon King United Piccolo (Fused With Kami) card depicting Super Namek Piccolo after fusing with Kami in, Evil Namekian Lord Slug (Giant Form) card featuring Super Namek Lord Slug and Great Namek Lord Slug in, In the Name of Survival Saonel & Pilina card depicting Super Nameks Saonel & Pilina in, Saonel card featuring Super Namek Saonel in, Pilina card depicting Super Namek Pilina in. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. One of the reasons why could be because Piccolo Jr. is stronger than his father/past-self King Piccolo, and grew much stronger fusing with Nail prior to Piccolo fusing with Kami. by Kamiccolo9 Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:36 am, Post Kami didn't exist presplit. In Lord Slug, King Kai states that Super Namekians have abilities a hundredfold superior to that of regular Namekians. The Namekians also have the most diverse powerset of any species outside of the Kais with them being able to regenerate, heal others, unlock others' hidden potential, create objects out of thin air, stretch body parts, grow to huge sizes, communicate mentally, and sense energy and even characters' alignment. I see. Long ago, a Namekian child came to Earth in order to escape the horrendous natural disasters occurring on his home planet. Nameless Namekian, Katas' son who came to Earth and after splitting his soul, became Kami and King Piccolo. Dende, another child from Mooris village who goes on to become the Guardian of Earth. The thread title says "nameless namekian" bro. When he was a child, the planet underwent a catastrophic natural disaster that killed everyone except him and a few other Namekian (includingGrand Elder Guruand the movie-onlyLord Slug). Then again, we really don't know how strong he was at the time of his seperation. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. As of now only Good Buu remains and the reincarnated evil Buu (Uub), and no evilness . In the anime, Super Namekians also exist in Universe 6 as Saonel and Pilina are Super Namekians and they acquired this power through Namekian Fusion with other Universe 6 Namekians which they state represents their will to survive. This set of Dragon Balls was rendered inert by his split into Kami and King Piccolo, however they were restored when Piccolo fused with Kami and become the Nameless Namekian once more. Discussion, generally of an in-universe nature, regarding any aspect of the franchise (including movies, spin-offs, etc.) The Nameless Namekian, later referred to as Piccolo (or mistakenly "Kamiccolo") is a Namekian, and the son of Katas. We also tell you NPC locations, vender locations, vender item/price list and warps that goes in and out of the map. The dragon balls on Earth were first created by Kami and later altered by Dende, a 'Dragon Ball Z' Namekian. by Herms Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:24 am, Post He says "original being who. To rid their world of the new villains, the Namekians used the Dragon Balls to summon Porunga in order to banish them. Plus Guru even said it that if Piccolo and Kami were to fuse, that they would be able to destroy Frieza. That's all it'd take for what he said to make sense. Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited, Privacy by Angelus Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:35 am, Post That is the son of Katas. While these days Namekians seem to be extremely outclassed by Saiyans in the world of Dragon Ball, this was not always the case. No longer am I Kami or Piccolo. For sure it would be weaker than Android 17 but how much weaker? or & It was during this time that he discovered the Namek spaceship in a plateau, which he used as a house while awaiting someone to come looking for him. But is not even close to super perfect cell. More like the featless namekian, amirite? Piccolo and Kami will become a Super Namek." As he explored the world, his pure heart was partly tainted by all the violence and hate throughout the world. Piccolo, the reincarnation of King Piccolo, who was initially an anti-hero but went on to become one of the most important characters of the 'Dragon Ball' series. Doing so greatly increases his power level, as noted by Goku and Future Trunks. The resulting appearance and dominant personality is determined by a mutual pact. He says "original being who split into kami & piccolo" , which would mean pre-split kami, who is weaker than nail. The major of information on Katas comes from small flashbacks in the Dragon Ball anime. Later in his life, when the Nameless Namekian sought the position of Guardian of Earth, the then-current guardian asked him that these evil essences suppressed in his soul, so he tells the dedicated Namekian to separate himself from his evil, which takes the form of the self-proclaimed King Piccolo. Hailing from the world of Namek, many 'Dragon Ball' Namekian names have a musical theme. A Namekian Future Warrior can also become powerful enough to be classified as a Super Namekian capable of taking on powerful fighters like Kid Buu, Mira, Demigra, Broly, Super 17, and Omega Shenron. According to a 1989 issue of the Weekly Shnen Jump, Mr. Popo's . Not only that, but Guru claimed the Nameless Namek wouldn't have had any trouble against regular Saiyans, which is ridiculous if we go by your theory on the fusion. While not canon, several of the video games suggest that if Piccolo Jr. with Kami as a part of him chose to fuse with King Piccolo, he would be able to have the full power of the Nameless Namekian once more. Oddly enough, the Nameless Namekian actually does have a name Katas. However, when he separated, their power levels plummeted into the mere hundreds. He makes his debut in a flashback during "Earth's Guardian Emerges", the 125th episode of the Dragon Ball anime, which premiered on August 31, 1988. It was believed by the rest of the Namekians in the Frieza Saga that the Nameless Namek could have easily defeated Frieza who had a maximum power of 530,000 in his first form and 120,000,000 at 100% of his full power. For starters, Namekians average hearing range is significantly greater than that of the average human. His NAME is Picollo. He was then executed byFriezaafter he sacrificed his life protectingGohan. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. ProLight Style by Ian Bradley. The Namekin race is characterized by their green, scaly skins and the antennae on the tops of their heads . The Nameless Namekian was confirmed to be SSJ1 level. by Hitiro Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:13 am, Post The only other one known to exist was the Nameless Namekian, before his fission. Piccolo proved to be more than a match for Frost who ended up cheating to beat Piccolo. That doesn't mean Piccolo is 1/3rd of Blue tier or whatever. The Guardians' main role is . A one-stop shop for all things video games. As he explored the world, his pure heart was tainted by all the violence and hate throughout the world. The elders skins are dark-green, and their pink patches are less prominent than those on the bodies of younger Namekians. The Nameless Namekian also appeared to have a fondness for the planet Earth which was likely strengthened by Kami's role as its guardian and Piccolo having been born there. In Dragon Ball Z: Sagas, in the mission "Piccolo's Fusion", after fusing with Kami, Piccolo then engages in battle with Android 17. "Look, you know what a Super Saiyan is. New generation Namekians in Dragon Ball Online have yellow faces, and theres also a vertical line that can be seen on their heads. While not considered by most to be canon, those who have watched Dragon Ball GT may also know that the Nameless Namekian also created the Black Star Dragon Balls. 9 Cell Wasn't The Most Evil Villain Also, the highest saiyan (natural) was vegeta, and he was 18,000. It was believed by the rest of the Namekians in the Frieza Saga that the Nameless Namekian could have easily defeated Frieza who had a maximum power of 530,000 in his first form and 120,000,000 at 100% of his full power. Piccolo would go on to participate in theTournament of Powerfor the fate of his universe. In Dragon Ball GT, it is revealed that, before splitting his good and evil halves, the Nameless Namekian created the all-powerful Black Star Dragon Balls, though when he did so is unknown. Doing so also greatly increases his power level, as noted by Goku and Trunks. Dragon Ball Updates Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Re: How powerful was the Nameless Namekian? In this form, he takes a silver electric aura. But when Kami rejected his evil side for godhood, his and King Piccolo's power levels dropped to under a thousand. Power Piccolo can be considered at the peak of a Super Namekians power (around perfect cell level) he's reached a plateau and while still becoming stronger, he stopped gaining gigantic leaps. This would be quite the extreme power boost as it's hinted in Supersonic Warriors that this would have made Piccolo be as powerful as Super Buu. Piccolo vs. Android 17! He was originally one being until he separated the evil out of his body, becoming Kami and removing King Piccolo from his soul. Another special ability that all Namekians boast of is that they can sense someones power level without using a device like a scouter, which is typically used by Saiyans. Also he's talking about FIRST form F. Do you have a scan or link to where you found that source? Meaning the zenkai had a far larger effect then the Namekian fusion did. Sopretty big then. Piccolo retained his form as the reunified Nameless Namekian for the remainder of the Dragon Ball Z. Humorously, during the Majin Buu Saga, his Kami traits cause him to be horrified at Gotenks and Super Buu's destruction of the Lookout. The Super Namekian form was so powerful that not only was Piccolo stronger than the Saiyan, he was able to hold his own against an enemy as powerful as final form Frost. by Kaboom Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:53 pm, Post The spaceship landed on Earth in the frigid Yunzabit Heights, where the Nameless Namekian spent his life alone from youth through adolescence. Not including nail. InDragon Ball Xenoverse 2, the Nameless Namekian is mentioned in a quiz hosted by two Majin NPCs. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. Apart from being a race that possesses exceptional powers and magical abilities, the Namekians also created the dragon balls, one set on Earth and another on Namek. Merging with Kami in the Android arc doubled Piccolo's strength. It is said by Guru that the Nameless Namekian's power splits in half upon going from a Super Namekian to a regular Namekian. Later onBabidiand his forces invade Earth, resulting in a three way war between the Nameless Namekian's Demon Clan, the Red Ribbon Androids, andBabidi's forcesthat leaves most of Earth in ruins. For the rest of films from Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler onwards, the Nameless Namekian appears as Piccolo. He continues making cameo appearances in flashbacks throughout theDragon Ballanime andmanga, and reappears in theDragon Ball Zepisode "Plans for Departure", and continues to make brief cameo appearances until making his formal debut (in the form ofPiccolo) in "The Reunion", the 141st episode ofDragon Ball Z, which premiered on May 27, 1992. People seem to not take into consideration the fact that transformations are a set multiplier, not a set power level. Besides Slug, Piccolo, and possibly the Future Warrior, Grand Elder Guru also implied that several Super Namekians had escaped the original Namek during its cataclysm, and that a few of them chose to embrace warfare and wickedness like Slug before settling on a "far flung planet.". Meaning he had a power level of at least 150 million. Nameless Namekian is the unnamed Namekian son of Katas and was originally one being until he separated the evil out of his body, becoming Kami and removing Demon King Piccolo from his soul . Katas is mentioned by Dende who says that Guru told him was able to create Dragon Balls, a reference to his status as a member of the Dragon Clan. 260 (King Piccolo) x 400 (Kami) x 100 (Super Namek multiplier). And assuming the Nameless Namek was at that level (which is honestly based on nothing but assumption), a normal Saiyan would still be able to defeat him. Like the Saiyan race that traveled far and wide through outer space, some Namekians made their way to Earth and wreaked havoc until Master Mutaito, along with his pupils, beat them back. My thing is, almost all of the modern Nameks from U7 are children of Guru. Kami (originally the Nameless Namekian, Guardian of Earth until fused with Piccolo to fight Cell) Katas (father of the Nameless . If you purchase using the buy now button we may earn a small commission. Easily enough to start, he lacks the kind of power that Namekians claimed could have taken on Frieza at full power as is hinted at by Nail. Not only that, but Guru claimed the Nameless Namek wouldn't have had any trouble against regular Saiyans, which is ridiculous if we go by your theory on the fusion. On Namek, Vegeta and Goku raised their power levels significantly and were still regular Saiyans at the time. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. Popo has a power level of 300. Even though most Nameks arent completely identical to their fathers, there may be certain similarities, as they have the power to dictate how their children will look and what traits they will have to some extent. Some of the hallmarks of a Namekians appearance include their green skin, pink patches, and antennae. (Not) lost (enough) DB Super plots! The resulting appearance and dominant personality is determined by a mutual pact. Tsuno, an elder from the Namekian village that Vegeta destroyed. All Namekians POWER LEVELS - Dragon Ball Power LevelsGet Anime Apparel here: code dbzmacky for an Extra 7% discount ($75+)!Follow me on Twitter: me on Instagram: the POWER LEVEL COMMUNITY's official Discord Server! us know if you agree or disagree with the video, and discuss Power Scaling with us, for all Comics and Anime.Dragon Ball Super Power Levels and Dragon Ball Heroes Power Levels are all fan made and original, based on official power levels from the databooks, manga, anime and the daizenshuu guidebooks. Piccolo being the dominant portion of the fusion was due to a pre-agreed condition between the two parties, citing Piccolo is only going to go through with the fusion if it's his body that acts as the dominant part of the fusion, as well as Kami agreeing to it because between their respective forms, Piccolo's has the better chance of putting up a fight against the then-newly arrived threat. 6. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. . It is revealed that at some point before splitting into King Piccolo and Kami that the Nameless Namekian created a powerful set of Dragon Balls known as theBlack Star Dragon Balls. The Nameless Namekian was confirmed to be SSJ1 level. It is said by Guru that the Nameless Namekian's power splits in half upon going from a Super Namekian to a regular Namekian. After looking at all this info, it makes me wonder if the ancient Namekians were stronger than the modern ones. The only survivors were Guru(who gave birth to the entire population again), the Nameless Namekian(who is Piccolo and Kami before they split up), and Lord Slug(if you do not mind counting non canon shit). Nail is definitely stronger than kami but kami is the other half of piccolo. Well take a detailed look at them and the differences between them in this section. Even if we assume the fusion is a multiplication boost, that still wouldn't make him stronger than any ordinary Saiyan as Guru put it. Guru stated the Nameless Namekian was a prodigy. When he competed with Garlic Junior for the Earth Guardian position, he was forced to purge the evil from himself to do so. It was during this time that he discovered the Namek spaceship in a plateau, which he used as a house while awaiting someone to come looking for him. . Piccolo would go on to participate in the Tournament of Power for the fate of his universe. by SSJ2FutureGohan Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:38 am, Post They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family. An atmosphere wave that drastically changed the planets climatic conditions a long time ago killed off the majority of Namekians. Weve finally come to the section youve been waiting for, the complete list of Namekian names from the Dragon Ball series. But it would bee cool if Piccolo reached a level of a Super Saiyan God form so he can match Goku and Ve. The nameless Namekian is stronger by several margins. Notably whenChampaandVadosreferred to him as a Namekian, Piccolo stated he was not a Namkeian - rather he was the reincarnation of Demon King Piccolo. In the manga, Grand Elder Guru believes that no ordinary Saiyan could defeat the Nameless Namekian, only a Super Saiyan. The Nameless Namekian was confirmed to be SSJ1 level. Shortly before battling with Frieza onNamek, Piccolo fused bodies with a near-dead Namekian known as Nail who cryptically referenced the Nameless Namekian by noting that if Piccolo had come in his "original form" he would have been much stronger and could have defeated Frieza (at least in his first form). [5] As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. Thanks for the link, and while that is true, he was an adult by the time he seperated. "The Reunion". It is revealed in the film Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone and later the Garlic Jr. Saga of Dragon Ball Z that Garlic was the Nameless Namekian's adversary with whom he competed for the position of Guardian of Earth. When his strength became somewhat obsolete due to the Super Saiyans, his wisdom became one of his most valuable asset to the Z Fighters. Related: Every Character Piccolo Tried To Kill (& Failed). At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. On the other hand, the Dragon Clan Namekians are mostly priests and healers who primarily have a plethora of magical abilities. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse, a Frieza Race Time Patroller named Percel mentions a time distortion where King Piccolo fuses with Kami becoming an Evil Super Namekian and giving birth to powerful Mutated Namekians strong enough to take on the Red Ribbon Androids and the Organization of Babidi eventually resulting in three-way war between his Demon Clan, the Red Ribbon Army, and Babidi's forces. When Piccolo returned to Namek and found Nail. I do think ancient Namekians were stronger than modern Nameks, but I don't think that they were that strong on average. In the manga, Grand Elder Guru even believes that only a Super Saiyan could have defeated Katas in his original form. It was believed by the rest of the Namekians in the Frieza Saga that the Nameless Namek could have easily defeated . The argument is that Piccolo fused with two powerful Namekians (Kami and Nail), making him by default the most powerful Namekian alive. It's obviously not as simple as adding two "200ish" levels together or Piccolo would have never stood a chance against 2nd Form Frieza after merging with Nail. Tambourine, another of King Piccolos sons, had a gargoyle-like appearance. Unnamed fusion of Piccolo and Dr. Mashirito. Though Goku and company managed to find the Black Star Dragon Balls, they did not bring them back to their original spot, leading to the Earth's destruction. . Nail just said he was impressed with Piccolo's power. Answer (1 of 12): Immediately off the bat , this means no Dragonballs and no King Piccolo. The Namekians happen to be among the most popular characters in the series. Sp Namekku-seijin As a result, the Nameless Namekian died with the planet he had come to call his home. "The Super Namekian Powers Up! However these drawback are offset by not only the power they gain, but knowledge they acquire as a result of the fusion, as the resulting Super Namekian gains the knowledge of any fusee, from fighting techniques to tactics. The Namekian Savior also attains the form this way. My question is this. They are also the Namekians who can create and/or manipulate the dragon balls. Blue tier or whatever Post Kami did n't exist presplit Guardians & # x27 ; s like a fusion village... An atmosphere wave that drastically changed the planets climatic conditions a long time killed... Child came to Earth in order to banish them dstrongest Saiyan was Vegeta that! Movie and TV topics that fans want Saiyan could defeat the Nameless Namekian '' bro Super Saiyan against base Future! Namekians, comes from the world on the tops of their heads occurring on his home Piccolo, though simple. But how much weaker ) x 100 ( Super Namek multiplier ) in Dragon,. 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